Company Description
Dr MJ Atkins is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Victoria BC
Products & Services
NAD+ Therapy , Prolotherapy , Facial Rejuvenation , Neural Therapy , Specialized Testing , Tests for Digestive Health (SIBO, Microbiome) , Cortisone Injections , Hyaluronic Acid Injections , Hair Restoration and Facial Rejuvenation , Professional Nutritional Supplements , SkinPen Microneedling , PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) Injections , Chronic Pain Management , Treatment of Scars & Acne Scars , Glutathione IV , Myer's Cocktails and B Shots , LifeLabs Testing , Food Sensitivities Testing , Filler Injections , Treatment of Fine Lines & Wrinkles , Toxins - Heavy Metals, Mycotoxins , Skin care products , Regenerative Injection Therapies , Ultrasound-Guided Injections , Comprehensive Hormone Tests , Intravenous Nutrient Therapy , Botox / Nuceiva Injections , Chelation Therapy