Company Description
Buepoint Consulting Ltd from Duncan, BC. Company specialized in: Structural Engineers.
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Products & Services
Full structural design of custom residences , Design of timber components for pergolas, decks, support beams, etc. , Structural engineering of your residence including foundations, floors, walls, roof systems, and lateral load design , Footing reviews , SIP engineering - Design of houses with SIP walls, floors, roofs, or all of the above , Review of Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) construction , Part 4 component and system design where Part 9 is not applicable , Structural assessment of houses and retaining walls , Site visits including: Seismic assessment of mechanical, electrical, and HVAC equipment , Restoration and renovation consultations and design , Review of steel erection , Structural steel and connection design , Railing design - Structural review of glass railing systems , Foundation reviews , Construction review services , Framing reviews , Timber frame engineering (modern and traditional) , Architectural timber design for your ideal timber aesthetic , Specialty design of timber railings