Company Description

Tevan Enterprises is a Wholesale Vancouver Island Candy and Confectionery offering personalized delivery services to your store or retail outlet. We serve Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, Ladysmith, Lake Cowichan, Chemainus, Duncan, Shawnigan Lake, Mill Bay, Parksville, Oceanside, Port Alberni, Bamfield, Lighthouse Country

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Products & Services

provide fundraising opportunities for schools, sports teams and organizations through partnership with Tevan Enterprises ,   wholesale candy and confectionary distributor ,   provide products to grocery stores, gas stations, independent grocers, ski hills and tourist stores, campgrounds, schools and universities ,   allow customers to pick up their orders from the offices in Parksville, BC  

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Tevan Enterprises

755 Doehle Ave Parksville, BC
(250) 951-8027