Company Description
Dr Hannah Bartol Naturopathic Doctor from Parksville, BC. Company specialized in: Naturopathic Physicians.
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Products & Services
Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) , Recurring infections , Pediatric , Dietary Counseling , Diarrhea/constipation , Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) , Food and environmental allergies , Digestion , Rashes/ hives , Irritable bowel disease (Crohn's/ ulcerative colitis) , IBS , Neck and back pain , Hormones , homeopathy , Respiratory , Nutrient Deficiencies , Medically trained, naturally focused , Acid reflux/GERD , Colic , Musculoskeletal , Stress and burn out , Cardiovascular , Herbal Medicine , Autoimmune , naturopathic medicine , Immune and allergy , mental health , Depression , insomnia , High Blood Pressure , Perimenopause and menopause , Upper respiratory tract infections , Acupuncture , Nutrition therapy , Ear infections , Hashimoto's/Grave's disease , High cholesterol , Rheumatoid arthritis , Cradle cap , Thyroid conditions , Diverticulosis , Cold/flu prevention , Food sensitivities , Anxiety , Hormone balancing and menstrual irregularities , Arthritis , Urinary tract infections , Asthma , Celiac disease , Muscle and joint pain , Fertility , Well health visits