Company Description

This page is for supporters of the BC SPCA. We welcome feedback and discussions for all those who wish to share opinions or ask questions.

By participating in conversations on this page, you are agreeing to our commenting policy, as follows:

We reserve the right to delete posts that include any of the following:
- profanity or personal attacks
- inaccurate information
- spam, promotion or ads for other pages or websites
- irrelevant topics
- threats, demands or promotion of violence
- reports of cruelty detailing suspect name, address or other personal details (these are not appropriate to share on social network - please report directly to your local BC SPCA branch or the RCMP)
- promotion of people or organizations responsible for animal abuse or poor standards of animal welfare
- request for/support of any illegal activity (such as unauthorized "rescue" of a privately owned animal)

If you continue to violate this policy, you will be removed from our page.

This Facebook page is intended first and foremost for supporters. While we welcome open discussions and honest feedback, disagreements that result in harassment or provocation of other supporters will not be tolerated. If your actions and comments make other participants uncomfortable, you will be removed.

On behalf of all the animals we care for and protect, thank you for your cooperation and support. If you have questions regarding our Facebook page and its contents, please email us at

Products & Services

news ,   Search adoptable animals available through our location ,   Volunteer ,   Seniors deserve love too ,   Find your new best friend ,   Older animals like Lucky need a little extra special care and attention sometimes. ,   Adoption fees ,   Donate to this Location ,   Careers  

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SPCA Shelter

1668 Ryan Rd E Comox, BC
(250) 339-7722

Other Locations

91 - 13th Ave Campbell River, BC
(250) 287-7766